Friday, October 21, 2016

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships

"The three most important words in education are:  relationships, relationships, relationships.  Without them, we have nothing."-George Couros

Yes! Yes! Yes!  When I reflect on my teaching and what is important to me, the relationships I build with others are always at the top of my list.  I value the relationships I have with my colleagues, my team, my principal, and my students.  I see all of these people as an extension of my family. 

I think often about how lucky we are at Merton to work with such amazing people.  Jay supports us in everything we do and always encourages us to take risks.  He backs us up in new ideas we try and there isn't the need to feel like we have to ask permission.  This does create an environment for us where we feel like we can try something new and be supported.  We have great innovators in our district and I never feel like there is competition.  Everyone is so willing to share and help each other out and we are constantly learning from each other to improve the experiences for our students.  We value our relationships with each other and we have trust and a true sense of caring for each other, just like we do in our own families.

My team is the best.  I could not ask for a better group of people to work with.  We work together flawlessly, bounce ideas off of each other, laugh a lot, support teach other, and take risks together. We are always there for each other to have a conversation, cheer someone up on a bad day, help each other out, and make sure our new team members are doing well. We are not afraid to try new things and we are always looking at what we are doing and how we can make it better for our kids. We have had quite a few new members on our team in recent years, and the best part is, they never seemed "new."  Each one has added so much value to our team and I am thankful for each person on our team and the insight and experiences each one brings to the table.

I love my students and think of them as my own "kids."  I work hard to build relationships with them so they feel comfortable in my classroom and are willing to try something new and take a risk.  We laugh a lot together, spend time just talking sometimes, and learn from each other.  I am lucky to live so close to the community and often see my students on the sports fields, grocery shopping, and at high school events.  I think this really helps to make connections with them. Chaperoning dances is one of my most favorite things because you see the kids in such a different light. I often have students find me during the day because their locker door is stuck shut, their water bottle cap won't unscrew, they need to borrow something, or they need a place to work at lunch to catch up on something from another class.  This always brings a smile to my face. Relationship building definitely takes time and work, but it pays off in what the students will do for you in return.  I always tell people, I have three of my own great kids and 200 more great kids that I get to spend time with each day.

Words to live by for me from George Couros-"If we want meaningful change, we have to make a connection to the heart before we can make a connection to the mind."